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Energy-stable Parametric Finite Element Methods (PFEM) for Geometric PDEs and Applications

2022年04月28日 14:16

报告题目Energy-stable Parametric Finite Element Methods (PFEM) for Geometric PDEs and Applications

报告时间:2022-04-25  15:00 - 16:00

报告人:Prof.Weizhu Bao   National University of Singapore

ZOOMID:947 1238 8768  密码:20220425

Abstract: In this talk, I begin with a review of different geometric flows (PDEs) including mean curvature (curve shortening) flow, surface diffusion flow, Willmore flow, etc., which arise from materials science, interface dynamics in multi-phase flows, biology membrane, computer graphics, geometry, etc. Different mathematical formulations and numerical methods for mean curvature flow are then discussed. In particular, an energy-stable semi-implicit parametric finite element method (PFEM) is presented in details. Then the PFEM is extended to surface diffusion flow and anisotropic surface diffusion flow, and a structure-preserving implicit PFEM is proposed. Finally, sharp interface models and their PFEM approximations are presented for solid-state dewetting. This talk is based on joint works with Harald Garcke, Wei Jiang, Yifei Li, Robert Nuernberg, Yan Wang and Quan Zhao.

演讲者 Prof.Weizhu Bao(National University of Singapore) 地址 ZOOM
会议时间 2022-04-25 时间段 2022-04-25 15:00 - 16:00