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Statistical modeling and inference in high-dimensional data

2023年12月04日 15:56

报告题目:Determine the number of clusters by data augmentation

报告时间:2023-12-07   10:00-11:00

报 告 人 :刘旭  博士  上海财经大学


Abstract:High-dimensional data is more easer to collect in the big-data age. This talk investigates the statistical modeling and testing for high-dimensional data. First, we develop Fabs algorithms, a computationally cheaper algorithm, to solve lasso-based problem, as well as tensor-decomposition-based methods for multivariate high-dimensional additive-models. Second, we provide novel methods to construct efficient confidence intervals for treatment effects in high-dimensional setting. Third, we propose the test statistics for high-dimensional group testing problem, including the cases when the high or low-dimensional nuisance parameter presents.

演讲者 刘旭(上海财经大学) 地址 理学院东北楼一楼报告厅(110)
会议时间 2023-12-07 时间段 2023-12-07 10:00-11:00