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Spectra of Hypergraphs and its Application

2022年11月09日 09:32

报告:Spectra of Hypergraphs and its Application

报告时间:2022-11-12  10:00 - 11:00

报告人:卜长江 教授  哈尔滨工程大学



Abstract:The spectral moment of a graph G can be represented as the weighted sum of the number of connected subgraphs of G, which we call the subgraph structural interpretation of the spectral moment of G. In this report, we develop the subgraph structural interpretation of the spectral moment of graphs to hypergraphs. And we propose a high-ordered spectra (the spectra of a power hypergraph) method for determining graph isomorphism, the spectral moments of hypergraphs are used to give the high-ordered co-spectral invariants of graph G about the subgraph number of G, so as to give some graphs determined by the high-ordered spectra.

演讲者 卜长江(哈尔滨工程大学) 地址 腾讯会议
会议时间 2022-11-12 时间段 2022-11-12 10:00 - 11:00